Psalm 119: 41-48. Vav- ו
And I will walk in freedom
Because Your precepts, I seek
Will tell all, of Your testimonies
Before kings witness, I freely speak.
Psalm 119: 33-40. HAY- ה
Teach me, O LORD
Your statutes, their way And I shall keep, to the end
Give me understanding, each day.
Psalm 119: 25-32. Daled- ד
My soul cleaves to the dust
Bring me life, through Your Word I have counted my ways
You have answered, You heard.
Psalm 119:17-24 Gimel- ג
Deal bountifully, with Your servant
That I may live, keep Your Word Open my eyes, to Your law
To see wonders, unheard.
Psalm 119: 9-16 Beit- בּ
I will delight, in Your statutes
I will not forget, Your Word
No never spurn, the LORD our God
Obey all, that you have heard.
Psalm 119:1-8 Aleph-א
Blessed, and so happy
Who, God’s testimonies keep
Those, who are His witness
With a whole heart, Him seek.
‘Broigas’-(Angry, resentful,grievances)
Now I’m freed, from being ‘Broigas’
Am reconciled, fully forgiven
And those ‘Broigas,’ toward me
I share forgiveness, God has given.
Our Thought Patterns
So, daily cleave to God’s Word
And set your mind above
Keep proclaiming, God’s promises
Denounce the devil, declare God’s love.
Accept Responsibility
For we’re given free will
Seek eternal treasures
Yes, choose God and His ways
Not fleeting, fleshly pleasures.
Are You Calling & Listening?
LORD, may I listen
You alone, are The Way
Lest I stumble in pride
Hear not, what You say.