Psalm 119: 153-160 Raysh – ר

LORD, look and consider
My affliction, and deliver me
For I do not forget
Your law, set me free.
Psalm 119:145-152 Kuf – ק

All Your commands are true
Concerning Your testimonies
I have known, of old
You have founded them, forever.
Psalm 119: 137-144 Tzadik – צ

Trouble and anguish, found me
Yet Your commands, are my delight
Everlasting, Your righteous testimonies
Bring understanding, and revive.
Psalm 119: 129-136 Peh – פּ

Your testimonies are wonderful
Therefore, my soul keeps them
The opening of Your Word
Giving light to all, amen!
Psalm 119: 121-128 Ayin – ע

Therefore, I esteem
All Your precepts, I praise
And consider as right
While I hate, all false ways.
Psalm 119: 113-120 Samech – ס

My flesh trembles, fears You
And am afraid of Your judgments
I stand in awe, of Your laws
Your justice, Your regulations.
Psalm 119: 105-112 Nun -נ

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path
I have sworn and confirmed
To keep Your judgments, escape wrath.
Psalm 119: 97-104 Mem -מ

O how I love Your law
My meditation, all the day
Through Your commandments
I’m made wiser, in every way.
Psalm 119: 89-96 Lamed – ל

Forever, O LORD
Your Word, is settled in heaven
Your faithfulness endures
To all generations, in succession.
Psalm 119: 81-88 Kaf -כּ

Almost consuming, me on earth
But I forsook not, Your precepts
Sustain my life, and restore
By Your loving kindness, take steps.