God’s Amazing Promise

God declared unto Abram
I will bless those, who bless you
And I will curse him, who curses you
All families on earth, blessed thro’ you.
Israel and her Foes

And yet our hope is not in weapons
The arm of flesh, will fail
Pray Israel trust in the LORD
Know her Messiah, wholly prevail.
Not Focused on Church Buildings

Jesus finished, His atonement
Yet His ministry, was incomplete
Left His mission, disciple-making
We are commanded, to complete.
Will You Answer God?

O how selfish, and sinful
We keep God’s Word within
Are not praying and sharing
With our world, so full of sin.
Let Go, and Let God

“Not by might, nor by power
But by My Spirit” says the LORD
So that His will, be done
We then see, blessings poured.
Israel – October 7th, 2023

Yet, our God uses foes
In revealing His plan
That Israel, be saved
Despite the evil of man.
God’s Pressure Cooker

God uses all ways
To turn up the heat
To soften our hearts
Our hardness, defeat.
Doers, not just Hearers!

Yet sadly, churches look at numbers
In the pews, or at home gazing
Churches failing, how to mentor
Evangelizing, disciple making.
Designed by God or Man?

God has written in letters
Thro’ DNA, in code
Within every cell
His signature, bestowed.
Our Daily Battle is Real

Succumbing not, to our foes
Our culture, our flesh
Nor the devil’s destruction
But see Christ’s, blessed success.