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Learn to Fear God

The LORD has commanded
To fear God, and His ways
Yes, to follow His will
Obey all that He says.

Lay All on the Altar

Offer all, at His altar
Our bodies, He purchased
As living sacrifices, holy
Well pleasing… our service.

Key Principles of Prayer

We’re presenting for prayer
Confessing known sin
Washed by Jesus’ blood
Now cleansed, pure within.

Jars of Clay

We’re just, jars of clay
Mere, earthen vessels
Yet we choose, how to fill
Be unique, and special.

Israel’s Idolatry

So, pause and reflect
Does God fill your heart
Or have you hidden idols
That ensnare you, in part?

Israel’s Call to Repent

God laments for His people
Have turned from His ways
Are spurning their Maker
Have rebelled, disobey.

Is He Worthy?

Yes, worthy of wisdom
Strength and honor
Glory and blessing
Let us worship in wonder.

In the World, Tribulation

Dwelling not, on the darkness
But spread truth and light
Reflecting God’s glory
Let your lamp, shine bright.

If We will but Heed

But should we rebel
Turn from God’s Word
Disobey His commands
We surely are cursed.

How Do You Respond?

You can end up as bitter
Even doubt God is there
…Or choose to trust Him
That God knows, and He cares.