Saying or Obeying?

And here, Jesus reminds
It’s not what we say
Our words can be empty
It is whether, we obey.
Satan Accuses- God Justifies

Satan came before God
In heaven to accuse
Not to worship, nor praise
But Job, to misuse.
Run the Right Race

But, for those seeking Truth
Follow Jesus, and His cross
Find new life, eternal
Must count all else, as loss.
Quiet Time with God

Yes, pray for God’s Spirit
Come speak to your soul
Not rushing while reading
Lest from Him, time you stole.
Purpose in Pain

Does God have a purpose
In suffering and pain
Sorrow and sickness
Can He turn to gain?
Purified by Fire

As His sacrifice, living
Must be holy, and pure
For we dare not present
If defiled, and impure.
Progressing from the Truth

Yes, weigh all the evidence
Read history, seek proof
For social soundness, and blessings
God’s Word, points to Truth.
Persecution, brings Blessings!

His bloodshed, our new birth
By God’s Spirit, divine
From death, now resurrection
LORD, all the glory is Thine!
Persecution is Coming

So be ready, prepare
For our freedom is fading
Our faith is attacked
Great wickedness, invading.
Persecution in Pakistan

Do protect each Believer
Amidst hardship, remoteness
Fill them with Your Presence
Grant wisdom and boldness.