Teaching to Know, or to Obey?

Far too often, we gather
More head knowledge, attained
But little ‘how-to’, or mentoring
So our lives, are not changed.
Suffering-God’s Path to Blessings

In Jesus’ suffering, God’s path
To bless fallen man
In His cross, our daily dying
God has shown us, His plan.
Suffering Saints

‘In Me, you have peace’
Spoke Jesus, God’s Son
‘In the world, tribulation
Be courageous… I’ve overcome’.

When confronted by suffering
With reasons unclear
Will we choose to grow better
Or grow bitter, with fears.
Striving, or Resting?

But, if our vision is great
Let us therefore, come boldly
To His throne of grace
To obtain mercy from God
Come wholly rest, in His grace.
Still Resentful?

So instead of your resentments
Repent, come seek His light
Washed clean, of all your sin
Be now forgiven, in Christ.
Spiritual Decline in our Nation

Yes, the day will draw nigh
When judgment will come
For the day of great trouble
Know God’s shelter, His Son.

So, to live for The Master
For His glory and praise
Be faithful, single-minded
Your heart, upward raised.
Send Showers of Blessing

We are desperate for blessings
Need anointing, outpouring
With multitudes dead in sin
LORD revive, start restoring!
Seek Repentance

Seek, true fruits of repentance
As you search your heart
A new walk, not just talk
By God’s Spirit, a new start.