True Gain
For he is no fool
Who gives, what he can’t keep
To gain, what he can’t lose
But instead, greatly reap.
Tools God Uses
And so, despite facing testing
Know ‘tis but for a while
In the end, greater glory
So greet with joy, every trial.
Thoughts, or Prayers?
So, be a faithful prayer warrior
Let us ask, seek and knock
Persevere daily in prayer
To see others unlocked.
The Underground Church
So, remember they’re family
Forget not, stay prayerful
Your brothers and sisters
In Christ… do be faithful.
The Message of Christmas
Stepped into our world
So broken, and bound
Brought light and salvation
That lost souls are found.
The Great Carpenter
To renew, and re-fashion
His Word & Spirit transforming
Molding and shaping
To His image, conforming.
Teaching to Know, or to Obey?
Far too often, we gather
More head knowledge, attained
But little ‘how-to’, or mentoring
So our lives, are not changed.
Suffering-God’s Path to Blessings
In Jesus’ suffering, God’s path
To bless fallen man
In His cross, our daily dying
God has shown us, His plan.
Suffering Saints
‘In Me, you have peace’
Spoke Jesus, God’s Son
‘In the world, tribulation
Be courageous… I’ve overcome’.
When confronted by suffering
With reasons unclear
Will we choose to grow better
Or grow bitter, with fears.