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A Search for Meaning

There, discover our answers
In Christ Jesus, God redeeming
We are made, for God’s purpose
By His Spirit, fulfill our meaning.

A Renewed Mind

So, set our mind above
Daily, seek God’s kingdom
Be submitted, renewed
Gain His godly wisdom.

A Church Leader’s Vision

For despite, our church meetings
Jesus’ vision, is not progressing
Not faithful pew-sitters
But disciple-makers, spreading.

Joy amidst Trials

Do count it all joy
When trials fall your way
For the testing of faith
Builds patience, each day.

A New Baby

For our child learns to walk
In our footsteps each day
Let us follow the Master
Lest they learn other ways.

Wholly Organic?

Let God’s Word, be your food
Like Jeremiah, of old
Bringing joy, and rejoicing
As your heart, overflows.

Worship the LORD

Our purpose in life
Our calling, our goal
To worship the LORD
With heart, mind and soul.


Not a brief ‘Worship Service’
Once a week, set aside
But an attitude, of worship
Through each day, to abide

Would You Exchange?

Would you exchange truth
Of God, for a lie
Serve and worship, the creature
Above the Creator…on high?

Your Inner Thirst

Do you drink from the fount
That never runs dry
Living waters that flow
And forever, satisfy?