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Hungry for God?

you hungry and thirsty
To draw nearer, to God’s Presence
Know more of His love
And taste more, of His essence?

It is Well with my Soul

So, let us learn not to doubt
Rather, believe God knows best
When disaster sinks our ship
Trust in God, abide and rest.

Are You Lukewarm?

Since neither hot, nor cold
He would vomit them out
While they claimed to be rich
Needing naught, not without.

An Ark or a Cross?

So, the ark saved in this world
With protection and provision
While Jesus’ cross, offers His life
For both here, and in heaven.

The Storms of Life

As our lighthouse, our beacon
We can find the way
Jesus offers, eternal hope
Will we trust, and obey?

Always Seek the Truth

Though our culture condones
Approves of deception
Know God, our Creator
Expects truth, no exception.

All is Made Whole

So our suffering and pain
Become stepping stones
Believe God has His purpose
To draw nearer, to His own.

“I Never Knew You”

Yes, are wearing Jesus’ Name
And call themselves Christians
But are not born again
So rebellious, no contrition.

A Search for Meaning

There, discover our answers
In Christ Jesus, God redeeming
We are made, for God’s purpose
By His Spirit, fulfill our meaning.

A Renewed Mind

So, set our mind above
Daily, seek God’s kingdom
Be submitted, renewed
Gain His godly wisdom.